The Shocking Side Effects Of A Badly Fitting Bra Have Been Revealed In A New Study - And Why You Should Be Refitted Every Six To Nine Months To Avoid Them

De Groupe Bégaiement Selfhelp
Révision datée du 3 décembre 2022 à 14:25 par SoilaArj06431682 (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « The shocking side effects of a badly fitting bra have been revealed in a new study - and why you should be refitted every six to nine months to avoid them. <br>Of the 1,000 women surveyed, many experienced back, neck and chest pain, stretch marks, bad posture, skin abrasions and breakouts due to poorly-fitting underwear.  <br>A whopping 91 per cent of women surveyed were not getting their bras fitted regularly enough and 10 per cent admitted to wearing a bra t... »)
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The shocking side effects of a badly fitting bra have been revealed in a new study - and why you should be refitted every six to nine months to avoid them. 
Of the 1,000 women surveyed, many experienced back, neck and chest pain, stretch marks, bad posture, skin abrasions and breakouts due to poorly-fitting underwear.  
A whopping 91 per cent of women surveyed were not getting their bras fitted regularly enough and 10 per cent admitted to wearing a bra that was between six and 10 years old. 
Researchers have found the most common side effects of wearing a badly fitting bra and highlighted the issues by creating a #D models named Melanie (pictured)
RELATED ARTICLES Share this article Share 73 shares The most common issue women reported from wearing the wrong-sized bra were rubbing and chaffing and painful marks on the shoulders. 
Research conductors from lingerie brand Pour Moi made a 3D model, they named Melanie, highlighting the impacts wearing the wrong bra long term can have on the body based on the findings.
Andreas Anastasiou, a sports therapist with expertise in body corrective exercise, and general practitioner Dr Hana Patel explained the signs and symptoms of a too-tight or non-supportive bra and how to combat them. 
Researchers recommended getting refitted every six to nine months however 27 per cent of those in the survey say they have never been fitted
Shoulder dents
Melanie has clear indents on her shoulders which nearly two-thirds of respondents said they had also experienced which Andreas said is because of straps that are too tight. 
<div class="art-ins mol-factbox floatRHS femail" data-version="2" id="mol-02c49db0-5583-11ed-b79c-a7f96fcdd000" website revealed the shocking health effects of a poorly fitting bra