« "The Fridge Freezer Samsung Awards: The Best Worst And Weirdest Things We ve Seen » : historique des versions

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    9 septembre 2023

    • actudiff 08:359 septembre 2023 à 08:35KatrinaGribble discussion contributions 10 251 octets +10 251 Page créée avec « Fridge Freezer Samsung<br><br>Samsung offers a wide range of styles for its freezer fridge. The models range from the classic French door model to the high-tech Wi-Fi-connected models. This article will discuss Samsung's two top models including the four-door RF23A9675 and the one-door RS67A8811S9.<br><br>The size is the main difference. The Samsung model is bigger and has more features, such as the touch screen Family Hub interface.<br><br>Here are a few example... »