« 10 Things Everyone Hates About Bio-Ethanol Fireplace » : historique des versions

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    9 septembre 2023

    • actudiff 13:549 septembre 2023 à 13:54HopeCastles37 discussion contributions 12 798 octets +12 798 Page créée avec « Bio-Ethanol Fireplaces<br><br>A bio-ethanol fire has many benefits. It does not release harmful gases or smoke, and does not require a chimney or flue.<br><br>The free standing bio ethanol fires are a stunning focal point for any living space. They can be moved from room-to-room in the event of need.<br><br>Wall-mounted bio-ethanol fires can be a great choice for those with limited space, because they can be inserted into an opening in the wall or be built into i... »